Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Weekly Weigh In #1

Well, I weighed myself yesterday (Monday, March 4th) and weighed in at 197 with a 2-8 pound variability. I say this because I weighed myself in the afternoon and you weigh more in the evening than in the morning and I tend to eat and chug water, you know? Well whatever. Either way, I'm 2 pounds down from last week which is awesome! I was able to get down to 194 a couple weeks ago, shot back up to 200 in less than a week, and now I'm back at steady weight loss of about 2 pounds. I have not gone to the gym in the AM yet due to me fighting off a nasty chest cold, but I feel well enough to attempt it now. (: Tomorrow is a new day, so hopefully I'll be doing the lower body routine I have laid out for myself. I'm excited. Only difference is, once I start lifting, I have to start avoiding the scale completely due to water retention and muscle mass. This isn't bad, seeing that I have a goal size I want to reach, but it is a bit unnerving. Oh well! Have a happy Tuesday, e'ry body <3

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